How to cancel from the Microsoft Store
Please note that when you purchase a subscription, it will automatically renew at the end of its initial term and at the end of each term after that. The renewal term will be for the same period of time as the initial term. This period of time is known as the Subscription Period. For more information, please check our Terms and Conditions, section 5.4
Since you paid through the Microsoft Store, you will have to cancel the auto-renewal from their dashboard. To do this, please follow these steps:
1. Go to Services & subscriptions You might be asked to sign in
2. Find the Hotspot Shield subscription and select Manage, then Change, and Turn off auto-renew. If you don't see your subscription, make sure you are signed in to the correct Microsoft account for that subscription
3. Select Confirm cancellation. You should receive a confirmation email from Microsoft
* If auto-renew doesn't turn off, try the following:
1. See if this or another of your Microsoft subscriptions is past due. If so, you must pay the balance before you can turn off auto-renew. For more info, see Pay for a past-due Microsoft subscription.
2. See if your subscription is prepaid. It'll end on the expiration date, and you don't need to do anything else.
In case you turn off the auto-renewal and get charged the following month, you may have turned it off after the expiration date.
If you need further assistance with this, you can contact the Microsoft Team here.