How do I get a refund with Google Play Store?
Request A Play Store Refund On Android
On Android Mobile
- Open the Google Play Store
- Select the Hotspot Shield app
- In the subscription section, tap REFUND
- Tap YES to confirm your refund.
On a Computer
To get a refund from Google Play through the web, please fill out their online request form here.
Please be aware that Google sometimes puts an authorization hold on Play Store subscriptions. You can read more about Google’s authorization policy here.
Google Play only allows 48 hours to request a refund through the app store. However, Hotspot Shield has a 45-day refund policy.
If you missed the 48-hour Google Play request window, please submit a request to our Help Center with your GPA order number and Google Play email address so that we can issue a refund for you.
(If you are canceling because you were not satisfied with our application, please be aware that we offer free, technical support services for Premium customers through email and live chat - Log into Pango and from the menu go to Support)